Thursday, February 4, 2010

Literacy Narrative Themes

Personal Growth. That’s my theme. At every stage I’ve had some breakthrough with reading and writing, it’s generally lent itself to helping me grow as a person. Whether I was 4 years old with that Thomas the Tank Engine book I memorized, or if I was 15 and with friends out and about, spending time with the influences of our influences. I arrived at this theme listening to music in my room. With Funkadelic in my ear (I was enjoying the title track of their best album, Free Your Mind… And Your Ass Will Follow), I realized that I wanted to be real (Hence, why I brought it up in class). The stories I will use to be this real are:

Thomas the Tank Engine Book, Reading the directions when no one else could, the Pokémon game boy games, reading the sports section with the cat

Turning Point:
The Let It Be Affairs in the Mustang, The Smokey Car Jamboree, My first poem, Dylan ruining music and words for me forever, Sitting in that stream/Make You, Finding how to use the mood and the inspiration… Yep

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