Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Blog 2

As I read the socially driven theory on writing, I saw a lot of relative ideas in it to me. It made sense. Now this may be because it was simply easier to read, but for our purposes lets just say it clicked logically with me (at least more than the hardwired writing theory). I really recognized the idea that one's association with reading and writing could be directly related to a few isolated situations ion one's early life. This makes sense to me cause it comes as no surprise to me. In many psychological studies in recent years, it is found that trauma in one's young childhood is one of the largest factor that shapes their adult self. It's a kicker really, your parents can only do you harm it seems . . . Besides the fact that this was 14 times easier to read than our previous assignment, I also liked the ideas about the stereotype of literacy. It definately has at least some merit. The guy that can't read is typically looked at as the guy who doesn't bath, and in truth, the two are not mutually exclusive. Yea.

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