Thursday, February 11, 2010

Blog 7

For all these long winded research essays we read, I couldn't take much from any of them. It just isn't in my nature to learn that way. I read them, almost in their entirety and got the gist of what each one was saying. The fact is, the authors of each of these only have a slight idea what they are talking about. They, like any other person in relation to writing, can only see it as far as their own perspective allows them, no further. All the research in the world can't change what each commentator has been through from birth up until the moment they finished their critique. Because writing must be something experienced. It isn't tangible or malleable, except for in one's own mind. It is one of the most existential concepts man has; the written word. It's impossible to put someone in the middle of reading Breakfest at Tiffany's by telling them what the story is about. Even seeing the movie doesn't convey the tempo and mood of each sentence and paragraph that hit Truman Capote's typewriter so many times over. Perhaps more significant is, every draft he wrote was a window into his mind, if only for a brief moment and; it is the only window that can stand out longer than the moment his thoughts are spoken from his mouth. Writing is a wonderful, eerie, unperfected, ridiculous form of expression. Anyone who thinks they really understand it, can't really understand much.

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